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UROGRAFT: Implant for the urinary bladder reconstruction

autorzy: Katedra Urologii i Andrologii CM UMK: • Prof. dr hab. Marta Pokrywczyńska; • dr hab. Jan Adamowicz, prof. UMK; • dr hab. Arkadiusz Jundziłł, prof.UMK; • Dr Tomasz Kloskowski; • Mgr Marta Rasmus; • Mgr Daria Balcerczyk; • Mgr Zuzanna Fekner; Katedra Chemii Biomateriałów i Kosmetyków UMK : • Mgr Marta Szulc; Katedra Mechaniki i Metod Komputerowych Politechnika Bydgoska: • dr inż. Michał Stopel

There are many congenital and acquired conditions that require urinary bladder reconstruction. The most frequent cases are neurological dysfunctions, chronic inflammations, congenital and developmental defects of the urinary tract and traumas. The most frequently used material for the urinary bladder reconstruction is an intestinal wall. However, the use of this material induces many complications. At the moment there is no commercially available medical device or Advanced Therapy Medicinal Product (ATMP) for the reconstruction of the urinary tract, which would replace autologous material (intestinal wall). UROGRAFT is an invention developed by the team led by Prof. Pokrywczyńska for the reconstruction of the human urinary bladder. The UROGRAFT is an innovative product made of a biodegradable composite scaffold characterised by biological and mechanical properties similar to the native human urinary bladder wall. There are two available variants of the UROGRAFT: an acellular product and in combination with Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem/Stromal Cells (AD-MSCs). The UROGRAFT is a fully tested in vitro and in vivo product ready to use in a clinical study. The product is characterised by its unique bioconfiguration, favourable 3D structure, very good biocompatibility and high regenerative potential. The UROGRAFT is an opportunity to improve the quality of life for patients requiring urinary bladder reconstruction.


Zdrowie / Medycyna / Fitness


Platynowy Medal

Ochrona własności intelektualnej

Patent - zgłoszony

poziom gotowości technologicznej

TRL 6 skala pół przemysłowa
