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Prezentacja wynalazku
Mechanical Intelligent Gasoline Nozzle
autorzy: Farzan Farhadi
One of the common problems with refueling at gas stations is that gasoline spills out of the nozzle before and after refueling operations. This causes ignition, contamination of drivers' clothes with gasoline, etc. in this invention, a simple mechanism is used to deactivate the gasoline nozzle (due to the ignition power of gas, it is impossible to use electrical circuits), which does not allow gasoline to flow until it collides with the gasoline tank. This invention can reduce the potential for refueling at all gas stations. This invention uses a simple mechanical mechanism as a lever and can connect to various types of gasoline nozzles.
Młodzi wynalazcy
Srebrny Medal
Ochrona własności intelektualnej
Patent - przyznany
poziom gotowości technologicznej
TRL 6 skala pół przemysłowa