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autorzy: Li-Yu, Chang

The medical gloves on the doctor's hands must be full of bacteria and viruses after the operation or consultation. If the gloves are taken off manually, infection may be caused by contact. If the doctor is not serious, the use may even be infected. If the hands touch the patient, the patient will also be infected. In order to avoid this from happening, the "automatic glove removal machine" will be so important.
As long as the doctor puts his gloved hands into the invention after treating the patient, it will automatically take off the gloves for the doctor, and use the built-in alcohol disinfection spray to automatically disinfect the hands of the doctor, and the gloves taken off It will be thrown into the medical waste recycling bin. It is worth noting that there is an ultraviolet lamp on the barrel. When it detects that gloves have fallen, it will automatically turn on and sterilize. When the weight of the medical waste recycling bin The sensor detects that the recycling bin is full and automatically notifies the cleaning staff to pack it away.

Młodzi wynalazcy

Ochrona własności intelektualnej

Patent - przyznany

poziom gotowości technologicznej

TRL 7-8 skala przemysłowa
