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Structure improvement of massage hammer with sound

autorzy: Chung Yi- Chen Jou-Wen- Lu Yang Chen Shih Guan Ting LIU YANG LUNG SHIH

This creation provides an improved massage hammer with sound, which is a massager composed of a rod body, a circuit board, a sound generator and a battery cover; Board and sounder are installed in. Batteries can be installed in the inner compartment of the handle; when the user holds the handle of the stick by hand, When the hammer hits the body, the elastic element on the circuit board is in electrical contact with the conductive ring, which makes the sound generator emit sound.


Zdrowie / Medycyna / Fitness

Ochrona własności intelektualnej

Patent - przyznany

poziom gotowości technologicznej

TRL 7-8 skala przemysłowa
