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ZoP Analysis of functioning innovative technology parks in geographical space

autorzy: Kateryna Gorishnia

Ukraine has great opportunities for the creation and operation of new technology parks. Especially in Kharkiv, where a powerful scientific, technical, educational, and industrial potential is concentrated and there are all the necessary prerequisites for creating a technology park in the ""Ecopolis HTZ"" Business Park that meets modern requirements. The creation of such a technology park in Kharkiv is quite relevant because it can become one of the effective means of improving the innovative development of the city, and such topics in the scientific field are still insufficiently studied, especially in the context of the comparative experience of successful technology parks abroad. The main concepts of the research are historical, etymological, economic-geographical, comparative, cartographic. The article summarizes the theoretical foundations of the study of technology parks in world practice, the author's concept of the study of technology parks is proposed. The countries of the world are analyzed according to the index of ICT development as the main factor in the development of the IT sector of the economy, the geographical features of location and functioning of technology parks of the member countries of the International Association of Science Parks are studied. According to the selection criterion, comparative technology parks of the world for the Kharkiv project were selected for the Kharkiv project, their activities were analyzed, and the model of an ""ideal technology park"" for the city of Kharkiv is substantiated. According to the SWOT-analysis, the prospects for the creation of a new IT specialization technology park in Kharkiv as part of the ""Ecopolis HTZ"" Business Park have been identified. Thus, Kharkiv has all the necessary potential for the creation of such a project, the prospects for the functioning of which are significant, and the idea itself its creation is socially important, relevant and economically beneficial.


Giełda wynalazków


Srebrny Medal

Ochrona własności intelektualnej

Know how

poziom gotowości technologicznej

TRL 4 skala laboratoryjna
