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ZoP RH-1
autorzy: Ilya Hait, Volodymyr Anisimov
The idea of the project is to use computer vision techniques to control a manipulator, or other device that can provide workflows. In the process of its implementation there was a need to divide it into three directions: The first is the development of software based on the OpenCV library for computer training in object pattern recognition and identification, followed by the creation of an image database. The second is the development of a mathematical model for calculating the ""conditional"" coordinates of the location of the object based on the methods of the OpenCV library for transmission to the executing device (manipulator). Third is the development of software for manipulation, control and communication with the control computer. RH-1 is an ongoing project that was created during the year, but is still being improved. The aim is to study the possibilities of this technology to further expand the range of its use, from production processes to help people with disabilities.

Giełda wynalazków
Srebrny Medal
Ochrona własności intelektualnej
Wzór użytkowy - przyznany
poziom gotowości technologicznej
TRL 5 prototyp