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ZoP The method of foaming asphalt

autorzy: Agnieszka Woszuk, Wojciech Franus, Lidia Bandura

The invention concerns the possibility of using clinoptilolite (a mineral of the zeolite group) as an additive which lowers the production temperature of asphalt mixture. The zeolite (clinoptilolite) contains water in its crystalline structure, which can be continuously released from its structure as the temperature increases from 25°C to 350°C. The water released from the structure of the zeolite causes the effect of foaming of the asphalt and lowers its viscosity, which results in better coating of aggregate grains at the stage of producing the mix asphal. In addition, modification of zeolite by soaking its surface with water intensifies many times the effect of asphalt foaming, allowing to produce the asphalt mixture at a temperature lower by 20°C in comparison with traditional hot production technologies, where the production temperature ranges from 150°C to 200°C. The developed invention contributes to a number of benefits: (I) economic - related to the lower production temperature (less energy has to be delivered to the process); (II) ecological – the emission of gaseous pollutants generated at the stage of asphalt pavement production to the environment is lower; (III) functional - extended durability of road asphalt pavements can be achieved.

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Ochrona własności intelektualnej

Patent - przyznany

poziom gotowości technologicznej

TRL 9 pełne wdrożenie przemysłowe
