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autorzy: 1. NGUYEN HUY HOANG, Class 10A7, High School of Education Sciences, University of Education 2. DO DUC SON, Class 10A6, High School of Education Sciences, University of Education 3. VU NGAN HA, Class 10D6, High School of Education Sciences, University of Education 4. TRIEU CHAU GIANG, Class 10D6, High School of Education Sciences, University of Education

Environmental pollution, especially water environment, is an urgent problem in many developing countries, including Vietnam. Therefore, the treatment of persistent organic substances such as heavy metals (HMs) in waters has important roles for the ecosystem and human health protection. Especially, the removal of carcinogen HMs from the natural environment has attracted the attention of many domestic and foreign scientists. Currently, the uncontrolled use of HMs and improper management have led to an emergence of the most serious environmental problems nowadays. It is absolutely necessary to study, evaluate and treat HMs pollution in waters. The adsorption approach is often applied to treat this type of wastewater because it is one of the most effective and suitable methods for developing countries, allowing to save energy and reduce treatment costs. To our knowledge, until now no research has been carried out to study the effect of an advanced material such as graphene oxide (GO) surface chemistry on HMs adsorption. To develop a rational description for the selection of modified GO, and an improved approach of the textural structure and surface chemistry effects on HMs removal from wastewaters. HMs removal technologies and advantages were reported by different research teams such as absorption, condensation, degradation, membrane separation, and so on. Among them, the adsorption on modified GO is the most widely used method in commercial operation. To our knowledge, until now no research has been carried out to study the effect of an advanced material such as graphene oxide (GO) surface chemistry on HMs adsorption. To develop a rational description for the selection of modified GO, and an improved approach of the textural structure and surface chemistry effects on HMs removal from wastewaters. Among them, the adsorption on modified GO is the most widely used method in commercial operation. To our knowledge, until now no research has been carried out to study the effect of an advanced material such as graphene oxide (GO) surface chemistry on HMs adsorption. To develop a rational description for the selection of modified GO, and an improved approach of the textural structure and surface chemistry effects on HMs removal from wastewaters. Among them, the adsorption on modified GO is the most widely used method in commercial operation. In general, the removal process of HMs from the natural environment has been carried out in order to optimize the natural and socio-economic conditions and at the same time minimize the negative impact on natural environmental conditions natural, biological and socio-economic resources in developing countries such as Vietnam. Water quality has improved relatively significantly, even the project does not cause harmful effects on surface water resources to other water users. The quality of water after treatment is assessed at a high level, and is completely suitable for discharge into the environment. GO materials were investigated and researched and fabricated on a laboratory scale of nanoscale. First, GO will be modified with different environmentally friendly chemicals to increase the ability to handle heavy metals. Investigate the optimal conditions of the environment for laboratory-scale metal adsorption. The thesis has combined the outstanding advantages of precursors and GO to fabricate nanocomposite materials capable of removing HMs with a simple, economical, and easy to recover after processing synthesis process; Proposing the adsorption mechanism of pollutants to serve as a premise and reference for the following studies. The UEd's teachers and students have participated in many national and international competitions, and had won several medals.

Giełda wynalazków


Złoty Medal

Ochrona własności intelektualnej

Wzór użytkowy - przyznany

poziom gotowości technologicznej

TRL 6 skala pół przemysłowa
