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ZoP This is the investment in sunlight to heat the water and in this process Water is converted into steam

autorzy: Mohammed Naser Ahmed Al-tairi

solar glass 2- Storage or heat storage tank 3- Heat insulators 4- Drain stopcock » The benefits of the solar heater 1- Hot water 24 hours a day 2- It saves you time 3-- It saves you the gas used when heating 4- It saves you electricity if you use the electric heater 5- Hot water is used in bathrooms and kitchens 6- It saves you money How to put the solar heater,? It is placed in the direction of the solar inclination of the sun so that It is exposed to the sun from sunrise to sunset How to maintain the solar heater We do a washing cycle for the solar tank We are cleaning the glass tubes of the solar heater from the outside Ensure that the heater is working properly What are the problems of the solar heater? Do not solder the inner case with oxygen This leads to water leakage Watching the phenomenon happened to me how many times I have video evidence for this Which made him think of this idea heater In addition to that, one of its advantages is that it provides you with half the value of the imported heater For example, the price of a hidden solar heater with a capacity of 200 liters is about 430 dollars, while the price of this Solar heater about 250 US dollars In addition to that, this solar heater can be used by anyone It can be installed in different sizes. Watches start from 20 liters and above.



Giełda wynalazków


Złoty Medal

Ochrona własności intelektualnej

Patent - przyznany

poziom gotowości technologicznej

TRL 9 pełne wdrożenie przemysłowe
