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ZoP Dehumidifier Garbage bag
autorzy: Hirad Miandar Esfahani, Mehrsam Farajpour, Benyamin Fallahian Hosseinabadi, Armin Nasrmanesh, Kiyanmehr Mohamadi- Dr. Mohammadshafiee’s Educational and Research Institute
Microbes need moisture to grow. It can use the capacity of bags and bins to absorb maximum moisture and reduce the growth of pollution to some extent. This Invention can reduce the Humidity of the garbage with the chemical additive to the bages material. In this invention, we use desiccant to reduce the humidity of the garbage to decompose the ideal zone for growing microbes, bacteria, and … this additive can play a role as a sponge for the getting the humidity of garbage.
Giełda wynalazków
Srebrny Medal
Ochrona własności intelektualnej
Patent - zgłoszony
poziom gotowości technologicznej
TRL 5 prototyp