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ZoP Means for treatment of allergic skin diseases

autorzy: Mavluda Davlatmamadova

The invention objective is to expand the nomenclature of anti-allergic drugs for external use with adsorption capacity.The technical result is achieved by the fact that the product containing the active substance of plant origin and according to the invention, additionally it contains talc as a basis, bentonite and zinc oxide, and as an active substance contains a solution of dry extract of vegetative raw materials-leaves of a series and root of pink flaxseed in 40% ethanol in a ratio 1:3, thus the total extract is received by mixing powdered dry water extracts of vegetative raw materials taken in equal quantities, the next ratio of components, mass %: Talc 70,5 bentonite 9,2 Zinc oxide 7,3 Dry Total Extract Solution of vegetable raw materials in 40% ethanol in the ratio of 1:3


Giełda wynalazków


Award of The First Institute Researchers and Inventors in I.R.IRAN, Iran


Złoty Medal

Ochrona własności intelektualnej

Patent - przyznany

poziom gotowości technologicznej

TRL 4 skala laboratoryjna
