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ZoP phone case with glikoz measurement.

autorzy: Erhan Yüksel

The present invention relates to a new glucose meter developed in view of the existing problems in glucose meters used to continuously control the blood glucose value of people suffering from diabetes and to determine the action to be taken according to the blood glucose value. The mobile application developed with artificial intelligence programming will be able to transmit the measurements to the patient beforehand by comparing the measured values with different patient groups. The application works as a login to the system to be integrated into a single device for each user. The guest user simply displays the measurement result on the screen. The services offered to the user in the administrative quality cannot be used for the guest user. However, 5 different users can take part in the authority of admin to the device running integrated with the application on the phone. There are monthly / yearly or unlimited user packages in the application for each new user.

Giełda wynalazków

Ochrona własności intelektualnej

Brak danych

poziom gotowości technologicznej

Brak danych
