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ZoP Automatic Body-turning Airbed

autorzy: Kunyu Li, Ruoyun Fang, Fangyu Liu, Yushan Liao, Zhentao Ma

There is such a huge group in the whole world. They can only stay in bed for a long time because of disability or congenital disease called Bedsore. They are unable to move unattended, result in long backlog of back or buttocks and form serious chronic wound pressure sores. Most of their families are in bad financial condition, living in poor mountainous areas, urban fringe or corners of the city without money to cure. In addition, this kind of wound is very intractable. Even if patients have heart and the cation to go to the hospital for treatment, under the limitation of the existing medical resources,it is not possible for the patient to change the hospital for a long time and every dressing change is often the same as that of the minor operation. Therefore, we decided to develop pressure ulcer assisted turnover system based on the experience of the wound specialist and the information dozens of patients.

Giełda wynalazków

Ochrona własności intelektualnej

Patent - przyznany

poziom gotowości technologicznej

TRL 5 prototyp
