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ZoP Lumbar region mold for the practice of lumbar puncture and loco-regional spinal anesthesia
autorzy: Basil Jacobs, Romain Clocheret, Bradley Van Der Borght
The invention relates to a method of learning and practicing two practical maneuvers used in the hospital, especially in the field of anesthesia and intensive care. Through this invention, lumbar puncture and spinal anesthesia can be practiced. The mold consists of a skeleton of 5 lumbar vertebrae made of polylactic acid that mimics the anatomy of the lumbar region, and other elements that simulate the anatomical layers of this region. The main advantages of this invention are the decrease in the rate of complications caused by the execution method, offering the possibility to doctors without experience of effective practice both in terms of quantity and quality of lumbar puncture and spinal anesthesia, the short labor time of the mold and its low cost.
Przedmioty codziennego użytku
Ochrona własności intelektualnej
Patent - przyznany
poziom gotowości technologicznej
TRL 5 prototyp