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Prezentacja wynalazku
ZoP Web access based crawling analytic information system
It relates to a user-based on-demand online payback service statistical information system through real-time web crawling by users based on mobile web access or Internet access. It provides information search means to select independent shopping mall sites and product information and product advertisement information provided by the main shopping mall sites that are divided from the main shopping mall sites and assigned to individual operators. It is a multi-commerce platform server that analyzes and transmits fees and sales details according to the buyer's purchase history and product advertisement access history to individual operators who operate independent shopping mall sites and product advertising information. Accordingly, the present invention may construct a user-based independent shopping mall site using product information and product advertisement information registered in a multicommerce platform server. It provides an integrated online shopping mall operating system that provides user-based independent shopping malls that can settle fees and sales profits for individual operators according to product purchase history and product advertisement access history of individual operators.

Giełda wynalazków
Ochrona własności intelektualnej
Brak danych
poziom gotowości technologicznej
Brak danych