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ZoP The Driverless Car which can protect the plane distress landing

autorzy: JiangHaoLan Jack Lin Qi Pengyu Tao Yanglin Wang Yuxin

The landing of aircraft is generally divided into land forced landing and water forced landing. Land landing means landing site on land. Water landing means landing site in the sea, lakes and other water, water landing requirements as close as possible to land, water landing danger is higher than land landing. When landing in the airport, if the landing gear can not be automatically lowered or put down with hand control, such as manual invalid, then the use of gravity release, the aircraft in a smooth airflow dive to the speedometer red line, will produce 3.8G of gravitational acceleration, landing gear weight increased 3.8 times times, and then put down. If the release of gravity is not effective, then use the abdominal wipe ground landing, and as far as possible to consume light fuel, so as not to catch the plane on fire. Forced landing is generally preventive, should be acute, because of forced landing on the drop environment and aircraft performance requirements are very high, so there is also a greater risk. It is often possible to cause the destruction of the aircraft. Today, tens of millions of airliners travel to and from major airports around the world every day. Admittedly, the invention of the aircraft has brought us great convenience, but aviation accidents have also brought disaster to some people in the world. When the plane has a problem and the landing gear is damaged, it needs an emergency landing, which is more dangerous, so it is necessary to develop the aircraft carrying the landing by the unmanned vehicle. The cart is fitted with a small sloping landing version to catch the landing plane, which is arranged intensively by highly elastic ropes to hook the landing plane so that it does not break away from the cart and slows down after the plane lands into the cart until it stops. Because the aircraft will have a great impact when forced landing, so in the small car on the four wheels installed spring, the plane after landing spring compression, so that the car chassis reduced, and the chassis has a large number of small wheels can increase the force area to reduce the maximum pressure of the aircraft landing, and sprinkle anti-static particles around the small wheel, So that a large number of small wheels on the chassis of the car will not spark due to friction. A damaged landing gear. The protection car mainly uses GPS module to locate the car, but because the GPS module has a slight error in positioning, and the protection of the aircraft when the forced landing is a high precision requirements of the action, so the use of OPENMV this intelligent programmable camera to let the car know that there is a plane coming, Plan to put a small piece of green on the bottom of the planeLAndLet the camera recognize,and start in a suitable position, let the car follow the plane closely, and compensate for the path of the car. This can be done with the GPS module to reach and the aircraft at the same speed and follow the car, when the plane landed on the car when the car began to slow down, until the car stopped, so that the landing gear damage aircraft can safely land on the car, in order to protect the aircraft and passengers for the purpose.

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Patent - przyznany

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TRL 4 skala laboratoryjna
