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ZoP FIREBALLS : ECO – Friendly Household Fuel

autorzy: Jimuelle C. Pascual, Andrew Emmanuel Robles : Inventors Jean May Buluran : Adviser/ Coach

This study aims to make an alternative household fuel the old newspapers, wood debris, dried leaves, other waste materials that will make an alternative compact charcoal that will be helpful to the community and safe for the environment as well as the community. The research can also help the citizens to conserve and protect the Earth to the changing environment. This research will help to sustain the ozone layer from its destruction. Targeted smoke produced by this project. This study wants to maintain the ecological balance, limits and focuses to lessen the smoke of charcoal and to conserve the environment down to human, animals and mainly saves the ecology

Giełda wynalazków

Ochrona własności intelektualnej

Brak danych

poziom gotowości technologicznej

Brak danych
