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Wool-Based Plant Biostimulant Composition and Process for Obtaining it
autorzy: Florin OANCEA, Mariana CALIN (CONSTANTIN), Diana ARUXANDEI CONSTANTINESCU, Iuliana RAUT, Mihaela DONI, Melania Liliana ARSENE, Maria Luiza JECU
The invention RO Patent 133240 B1/2021 is related to the development and use of plant biostimulant based on keratin waste, an abundant and valuable resource, which creates serious problems for the environment due to its recalcitrant nature. Keratin can be hydrolyzed in mild conditions by keratinolytic microorganisms. Fungal isolates from Microbial Collection of ICECHIM produce protein hydrolysates (PHs), a class of biostimulants, by cultivation on medium with keratin wastes as carbon and energy sources.

Środowisko / Chemia / Biotechnologia / Nanotechnologia
Srebrny Medal
Ochrona własności intelektualnej
Patent - przyznany
poziom gotowości technologicznej
TRL 4 skala laboratoryjna