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Nanostructured thin films based on carbo-nitrides if transition metals with silicon additions resistant to wear
autorzy: Spiridon Dragomir, Anca C.Parau, Diana M.Vranceanu, Lidia R. Constantin, Claudia P.Dragomir, Alina Vladescu
The invention relates to preparation of nanostructured thin films based on carbo-nitrides consisted in one or more of transition metals with Si additions prepared by cathodic arc evaporation method used as protective films of cutting tools which ran under wear harsh regime by abrasion, erosion, and corrosion used in wood machining and cutting. Materials consist in complex carbo-nitrides based on Cr, Fe, Ti and W as base metal with elemental concentrations of min. 30 at.%, and max. of 30 at.% of C or N, and Si ranged from 2 to 12 at.%.

Złoty Medal
Ochrona własności intelektualnej
Patent - zgłoszony
poziom gotowości technologicznej
TRL 6 skala pół przemysłowa