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A pilot plant for the GABA - RS rice production

autorzy: S. Yangyuen, J.Laohavanich and C. Chiawchanwattana

The pilot plant for GABA-RS rice is a new production process development for resistant milled rice with high GABA. It is a healthy rice product suitable for health-conscious consumers and diabetic patients. The innovations used in the production process consist of 1) an accelerator for the soaking and germination process 2) a high-pressure autoclave 3) an Infrared dryer and 4) a product cooling set. The outstanding point of the innovation is that it can turn the low-quality rice into the rice that is resistant to digestion with higher GABA compared to other methods. In addition, it can reduce the time from the original 7 days to only 2 days, reducing costs and increasing profits by 17.6 times compared to selling white rice.


Przemysł spożywczy


Złoty Medal

Ochrona własności intelektualnej

Patent - przyznany

poziom gotowości technologicznej

TRL 7-8 skala przemysłowa
