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A Semi-automatic weaving loom to preserve Thai weaving fabric

autorzy: Kasorn Wongkasem and Jindaporn Jamradlerdluk

The semi-automatic weaving and pattern recognition machine applies technology to maintain the identity of Thai fabrics. The operation of the machine employs an automatic control system to control the mechanism for pulling the heddles following the patterns that are loaded in memory. User Interface has been developed in the Thai language to coordinate the work between the weaver and the machine. It can show the weaving process in real-time to the weaver. Weavers can contain new patterns through a touch screen. The weaving pattern has no mistakes. In addition, the loom frame is designed to be modern and functional. The chair that is installed with the loom frame can be adjusted according to the weaver's body. Innovation in weaving and pattern recognition can help communities increase the price and value of woven fabrics. This makes the community earn more money and also helps to increase productivity. The woven fabric produced by this machine maintains the quality of hand-woven fabrics. In addition, people in the community are proud and eager to learn and meet together to create new patterns for the identity of the community. These patterns bring the pride of the community to tell local stories through the fabric. In addition, the elderly weavers can weave their own fabrics. They earn more income without having to rely only on their grandchildren. This semi-automatic loom and pattern recognition machine is an innovation in line with the science of the Sufficiency economy of the King's desire to make the community strong and independent along with improving the quality of life and generating income for the community.


Innowacje społeczne


Złoty Medal

Ochrona własności intelektualnej

Patent - przyznany

poziom gotowości technologicznej

TRL 7-8 skala przemysłowa
