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Prezentacja wynalazku

Rail heat treatment equipment.

autorzy: Jiří Adamík, Mariusz Hlisnikowski, Lukáš Niemczyk, Petr Podolinský

The essence of the invention is a system of diffusers designed to cool rails at relatively low temperatures, however, at least 700 °C. The use of the invention does not require additional heating of the rails after the rolling process, while at the same time, when using the present invention, the rails have the desired structure after heat treatment due to the use of an air diffuser system provided with a grid with oval-shaped holes in the direction of the cooled rail according to the present invention, which ensures uniform rail cooling so that the desired hardness values are achieved, especially in the rail head (top) and in selected points of the cross-section. This is achieved by positioning diffusers for simultaneous cooling of the rail above and beside the rail head and also below the rail foot, which also prevents longitudinal twisting of the rail during cooling.




Złoty Medal

Ochrona własności intelektualnej

Patent - przyznany

poziom gotowości technologicznej

TRL 6 skala pół przemysłowa
