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Invention of Automatic Replacement Assist System for Mineral Water Purifier

autorzy: Taeseong Ha

Water is very important as it accounts for more than 70% of our body, so drinking clean water without contamination is very important in terms of health care. Accordingly, water purifier manufacturers have developed and sold various water purifiers, and many people use them. Water purifiers can be divided into two main types. The first is a water pipe connection type that draws water from a water pipe and purifies it from a water purifier to provide clean water, and the second is a water bottle type that provides clean water through a replaceable water bottle. The water pipe connection type purifies tap water, so there is no need to replace the bottled water. On the contrary, the bottled water replacement type has the advantage of having to replace purified water periodically, very easy to install or manage, and no failure. Most households prefer and use water pipe-connected types, but most non-home areas such as companies and public institutions use bottled water. This is probably because it is easy to install in the office and there is no filter replacement, so it is easy to manage. However, these bottled water replacement types require regular replacement of heavy bottled water. Since the proportion of water is 1, the 20L bottled water weighs 20kg, and this weight is practically difficult to replace unless you are a strong man. In addition, in order to replace it, the water bottle must be rotated to face the water purifier (downward) and inserted into the cold water heater, so considerable muscle strength and tricks are required, making it impossible for the elderly as well as women to replace the water bottle. Accordingly, the present invention has developed an auxiliary replacement device capable of automatically replacing such a bottled water bottle without difficulty.


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