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Samanea Paper : The Fruit Degreening Agent

autorzy: Akas Yusuf Sugito, Puspa Arum, Ahmad Fathan Mafazi, Rosita Dewi, Pascana Metanadika, Quinetha Salsabillah Naralia Damopolii, Jihan Nur Fauziah, Hendra

Samanea Paper: The Fruit Degreening Agent is an innovation of degreening agent that is the one environmentally friendly method improvement and not harmful to the human body, high potential asset developing from the good result of color scale change measurement and dissolved solids test. Samanea Paper: The Fruit Degreening Agent is an innovation of degreening agent that is the one environmentally friendly method improvement and not harmful to the human body, high potential asset developing from the good result of color scale change measurement and dissolved solids test.

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poziom gotowości technologicznej

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