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ZoP Inventors Association of Vojvodina

The Association of Inventors of Vojvodina is a professional organization that was founded more than 60 years ago. The Alliance deals with: • public and professional issues, goals and interests in the field of invention, scientific - research and innovation activities, • organizing and activities of innovators, inventors, their associations and other natural and legal persons interested in building and improving innovation policy, systems and conditions that enable faster creation, development and implementation of innovations and inventions resulting from more efficient use of domestic knowledge and potential; • encouraging, developing and popularizing inventions and inventive creativity, adequate evaluation and strengthening of social reputation and status of inventors; • professional assistance and support to inventors and all other holders of intellectual property rights in relation to legal protection, assessment of the value of inventions and copyrights, faster realization and realization of compensation for their economic exploitation; • developing a penchant for invention and innovation, especially among young people. The International Festival of Innovation of Knowledge and Creativity "Tesla Fest" is the most important manifestation of the Association of Inventors of Vojvodina.


Resavska 5,21102 Novi Sad, Serbia

