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Zdrowie / Medycyna / Fitness
Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi

The “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi is among the oldest and well known institutions from the country, having an important tradition in engineering, scientific and cultural education, with a distinguishable presence on the international level. The university trains engineers with high qualifications, able to respond quickly and efficiently to the requirements of innovation, research and economic development. Moreover, the university caries on programs designed to continuously upgrade the engineers` professional skills imposed by the tendencies appeared at a global level. The university has resources of intelligence and creativity, as well as the necessary competence for accomplishing the complex mission to generate, preserve, disseminate and apply the accumulated scientific knowledge. It is concerned with establishing a system for quality assurance and academic excellence in teaching, scientific research and education, system based on the criteria and the methodologies compatible with those from the European countries.


D.Mangeron 67, Rumunia

