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autorzy: Mrs. Noor Nasriyah binti Abdullah, Mrs. Juriah binti Alias, Mrs. Zuraini binti Alias, Mrs. 'Iffah Ilham Khalilah binti Ramlee, Mr. Ahmad Tarmimi bin Ismail@Lias, Mrs. Nurul Asma binti Johari, Mrs. Norfaida binti Che Musa, Mrs. Nurul Hanifa binti Muda, Mr. Muhammad Firdaus bin Hamzah

Science subjects for lower secondary focus on scientific and thinking skills through inquiry and problem-solving. The 4IR Learning Kit with Gamification Approach for Lower Secondary Science at MRSM is designed as a teaching and learning tool for students to better understand and appreciate science. In line with the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR), these learning kits focus on the application of digital technology and futuristic in nature. Among the advantages of the learning kits are: (1) designed based on the Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Menengah, KSSM's new syllabus introduced in 2017, (2) focus on topics related to Physics in the Form 2 Science syllabus, (3) easily accessible, (4) device friendly, (5) contextual in nature, (6) apply constructivism method, (7) involves gamification, (8) apply the of 21st Century teaching and learning methods, (9) repeatable, thus allows mastery learning. So, in the absence of a teacher, students can still do self-learning. The 4IR learning kits are compiled using the Microsoft Teams as the platform. Microsoft Teams is chosen because it can collaborate very well with the Office applications provided to all users in the MARA organization. It can be used to browse and access selected 4IR learning kits. The four (4) learning kits produced are based on a pilot study carried out at MRSM Terendak. Students are given questionnaire to identify challenging topics that needed intervention most. Hence the following learning kits are built: • Kit 1: Electrostatic • Kit 2: Buoyant Force • Kit 3: Sound Wave • Kit 4: Frictional Force. Special features that can enhance teaching and learning process are: (1) 3D Animation Approach with interactive videos, (2) Augmented Reality (AR) (3) iOS Application such as Keynote, Pages and Garage Bands, (4) Microsoft Application where Power Point is used to prepare the user manuals while Forms is used in questionnaires and (5) PheT Simulations that can help students visualise and understand principles, concepts and law of science better. 4IR learning kits can be assessed by Teams Code, Qr Code, e-mail notification or given link. The final evaluation required respondents to answer the pre-test prior to completing the Kit 1: Electrostatic, answer the quiz and the post-test followed by giving feedbacks. There was a significant increase in performance, from an average score of 3.96/10.00 in the pre-test to 7.20/10.00 in the post-test. Positive feedbacks were also given with an average star rating of 4.56/5.00. Therefore, the 4IR learning kit with gamification approach increase the students’ understanding of the topic and provide an enjoyable teaching and learning experience. 1. 3D Animation Approach with interactive videos 2. Scaffolding content in syllabus using Microsoft Teams 3. Gamification in teaching and learning 1. 3D Animation Approach with interactive videos compared to only in printed forms. 2. Scaffolding content in syllabus using Microsoft Teams. This approach allow students to study according to the Bloom’s Taxonomy (from lower order thinking skills to higher order thinking skills) 3. Gamification in teaching and learning The advantages of these learning kits are: 1. Designed based on the Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Menengah, KSSM's new syllabus introduced in 2017 2. Focus on topics related to Physics in the Form 2 Science syllabus 3. Easily accessible 4. Device friendly 5. Contextual in nature 6. Apply constructivism method 7. Involves gamification 8. Apply the of 21st Century teaching and learning methods 9. Repeatable, thus allows mastery learning



Złoty Medal

Ochrona własności intelektualnej

Wzór użytkowy - przyznany

poziom gotowości technologicznej

TRL 7-8 skala przemysłowa
