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Egg White Protein Hydrolysate Product

autorzy: S.Kongruang, T.Julmalik and P.Bunkaew

Egg white protein hydrolysate product by enzymatic process can build lean muscle. It contains small sizes of proteins and branched chain amino acids. It is good solubility, fast absorption, low viscosity, no egg taint and easy to take. Nutritional value per serving size of 4 g in 250g gave 10 kcal diet with 3 g protein without lipid and carbohydrate containing 60 mg Na , 6% vitamin B2, 17 amino acids with 46.01 mg magnesium and 0.05 mg calcium per 100 g. It can be applied in food, beverage, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industry.


Przemysł spożywczy


Złoty Medal

Ochrona własności intelektualnej

Patent - przyznany

poziom gotowości technologicznej

TRL 7-8 skala przemysłowa
