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Prezentacja wystawcy
University POLITEHNICA from Bucharest - UPB is the largest and most prestigious technical university from Romania, classified, in the top 12 universities, as “University for advanced research and education” by the Ministry of Education Research Youth and Sports. Its mission is to offer educational services, to research and innovate at the highest professional standards, oriented towards the knowledge society, for a sustainable development of the social and economic environment in which UPB is integrated. UPB took a strategically decision for an entrepreneurial orientation, its mission being seen as an intersection of education - by professional formation, by scientific research formation – by producing knowledge and innovation as main objectives of the knowledge society and economy. UPB undertakes the concepts of entrepreneurial and innovative university both in what regards human capital formation and scientific research. In the same time, the university’s cultural dimension keeps its main importance in cultivating the institutional identity and of a distinct reputation.
313, SPLAIUL INDEPENDENTEI, Bucharest, Romania, postal code 060042, Rumunia